Oscar wrap-up
Nobody's dress really stood out. Some were stunningly beautiful and some were elegant, but with so much good taste going around taste doesn't stand out. I kind of liked Sherry' Lewis' dress, but I liked a lot of them. Where was J-Lo's answer to the green navel dress (this year's Cleopatra model just didn't work for me). Where was the Cher Bob Mackie number? Dian Keaton didn't even wear a suit.
And what was with jack's hair? Is he undergoing cancer treatments, or is he playing Dady Warbucks?
Ellen was good. The show was quirky and funny and appeared underproduced, but that's ok considering the glam-glitz and tight production the Oscars usually shoots for.
I got ten awards right on my scorecard. Not great, but not bad. I'f I'd had The Departed for best picture (and I should have had, since I picked Marty to win best director) I'd have made 11. I hit all the acting categories though, and Alan Arkin was an inspired choice.
Best speech was Forrest Whitiker's
Best moment was WIll Farrel, Jack Black and John C. Reily's song. I'm not sure what it had to do with anything, but it was great. Second best was when Elen DeGeneres had Steven Spielberg take her picture with Clint Eastwood.
Like everybody at the Oscars I think Al Gore should run for president. I am holding out hope. He's the only potential candidate that excites me in the least. (being full aware that Gerry Brown isn't going to run).
And I didn't leave feeling like somebody got robbed (though most of my students will sa Eddie Murphy did).